Gotras in Chitpavan Brahmins
This literally means Kula(Family root). In ancient times Gotras were
commonly popular in identifying family-roots. There is no relation
as such with Gotra and Veda-adhyayan. Any brahmin was allowed
to study any Veda.
Below given table will help you to find out which Gotra you
belong to:
This means to choose. Prawaras is also known as Arsheya(i.e.,
inspired by Rishi). Prawaras is usually considered as ancestors
(Purvaj) or predeccessors (Vanshaj) of Gotra rishi.
Gotra is always one; but prawaras are 3 or 5. You will get to
to know from this table below.
There are mainly 14 Gotras in Chitpavans with 7 Prawaras which
are as follows:
1) Atri 2) Kashyap, Shandilya 3) Kapi, Gargya, Bharadwaj 4)
Kaudinya, Vasishtha 5) Kaushik, Babhravya 6) Jamadagnya, Vatsa
7) Vishnuvruddha, Nityundan
- From matrimonial point of view, we have given the mis-matching
Gotras in the same table cell.
- Matchmaking within the same Gotra is highly prohibited.
- Atri Gotra is considered friendly with all Gotras. So,
the matchmaking of any other Gotra with this Atri Gotra
is undoubtedly allowed.